Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Africa Adventure - Photos of Phase 1, Korr Kenya

Check out the link to my Flikr Photostream for all the photos...  Africa Adventure, Phase 1 Photos

outside the Propst home (bathroom behind me)

Alicia, Claire & Maria on our walk to their' adoptive Mama's Min

Tim & Maria with their adoptive Mama in front of her Min

Maria giving pounds to the kids in the Gobp (village)

Just a sweet girl with Maria, she attached herself to me during Cultural day

Laura Propst, Ameena and Maria in front of Ameena's house

Jim & Laura Propst, Maria, Lynn & Nick Swanepoel

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Wow - amazing so far! Can't wait to hear more details from you... and, to think your AWESOME WATER BOTTLES made it all the way to Kenya and back. :)